Home » Materiaal 12+ » Improving the world with random acts of kindness 

Improving the world with random acts of kindness 

Vrolijk briefje

Joshua started leaving messages on public transport to spread kindness and made a film about his experience.


  • An affirmation is a positive statement you tell yourself or someone else to give them confidence or make them feel better.
  • When you feel overwhelmed, it feels like there is too much to do, think about, or handle. 
  • When you do something deliberately, you do it on purpose, often with a certain goal in mind.
  • When you encourage someone, you are trying to support them and give them confidence. 
  • Contagious is a word used to describe how diseases spread, but it can also be used to describe how ideas, actions, or behaviours spread.
  • Something is worthwhile when it is worth your time to do it.


Watch the video until 00:47.

1. What did Joshua write on the notes he left on public transport?

A: Notes on the importance of kindness.

B: Adverts for his new film. 

C: Helpful tips about how to tackle problems at work.

D: Positive affirmations to help people who are struggling.

2. Joshua did this as part of a short film he made. What was this film about?

Watch the video from 0:47 – 02:03.

3. Joshua talks about the personal reason he wanted to make this film. Fill in the words in the summary of what Joshua says about this time.

trauma – deliberately – overwhelmed – phase – disconnected 

He is going through a […] in his life where he feels […] from the people around him. He felt […] by these feelings. He […] doesn’t want to say what […] caused these feelings.

4. Joshua doesn’t share what trauma he went through. Why does he think this shouldn’t matter for the message of his film?

A: Everyone should be kind, even without knowing the reason why someone is upset. 

B: Everyone is going through something at some point, so most people can relate to his feelings. 

C: His audience will respect the journey he’s going through and his decision not to share details.

D: He wants to encourage people who don’t have the same feelings as him to still connect to the film. 

Watch from 02:03 to the end of the video.

5. True or false? Look at the statement and explain your answer.

Joshua now employs other people to spread messages for him.

6. Joshua finishes the interview by saying what his favourite affirmation was. Which affirmation note would you write to a stranger to make their day better?

Van de makers van All Right!, Of Course! en Taalblokken Engels

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